A Short History of the Church

In the late 1990’s Pastor Tony Jackson founded Covenant Community Church, a Reformed Baptist Church, in Winnsboro, Texas. The church met in the Franklin National Bank (now Prosperity Bank) community room in the rock building adjacent to the bank on Broadway. In December 2004 we incorporated as Covenant Reformed Baptist Church and purchased the Forest Grove United Methodist Church building at the intersection of East Coke Road and Gilmer Road (our current location). In September 2007 Pastor Jackson resigned to move to Colorado to plant a church in Denver sponsored by the Reformed Baptist Church of Northern Colorado in Boulder.

At that time our congregation was made up of about half from a Reformed Baptist background and about half from the Presbyterian tradition, so in October 2007 we changed our name to Winnsboro Reformed Church and added the Westminster Confession of Faith to our confessional statements in order to provide a home to conservative and Calvinistic people from both traditions. In January of 2008 the church called Bryce King as pastor. He stayed until September 2010 when he accepted a call from Second Presbyterian Church of Memphis, Tennessee to plant an Hispanic mission in the city of Memphis. He continued to preach and administer Communion at Winnsboro Reformed Church occasionally for several years.

In January 2016 we called James Spurgeon to be our pastor. In January of 2021 we added a Sunday evening worship service. We are a growing congregation in love with the gospel and excited about the future.