Spring is my favorite time of year and March 1 always reminds me that Spring is near. Time to start cleaning up the yard from winter and planning my Spring projects. Daylight savings time is near, too, which means an extra hour of daylight in the evenings, which means driving home from church on Lord’s Day evenings in the daylight, and that’s always a good thing.
This past Sunday evening we focused on the second half of Genesis 1:2 and the picture God gives of the Holy Spirit hovering over the waters of original creation. It foreshadows in many ways God’s beautiful work of redemption, including the Holy Spirit’s overshadowing of Mary in the conception of Christ. It also indicates God’s original purpose for the physical realm as a temple for God, mirroring perfectly the spiritual realm. This is a theme we will develop further as we move through the chapter. It also reminds us that God is creator of all things, including the darkness and the deep, and that he is Lord over it. Our God does not do battle with the forces of chaos and darkness, like the pagan mythologies of ancient times, rather he rules over them and works in them something good and right. God is a God in whom we can trust.
This Sunday we will look at the days of creation and how they have been understood throughout church history. What is God teaching us by describing creation in this way? What are some ways we can look at this narrative and yet remain under the umbrella of Christian orthodoxy? Are there ways to look at Genesis 1 that do damage to the rest of Scripture? Come Sunday evening and worship with us and grow in your understanding. You won’t regret it.
This past Sunday morning we finished up the narrative portion of the book of Galatians and began transitioning into the theological argument Paul is making against the Judaizers. Verses 15-21 of Galatians 2 serve not only as a transition passage, but also as a thesis statement for the entire argument Paul will be making through the rest of the letter. What does Paul mean by being crucified with Christ? Come worship with us this Sunday morning.
Podcast episode
For those of you who may have gone looking for the latest podcast episode, here is the link. (It will be added to the ‘podcast episodes’ page shortly.
Sojourners and Exiles - Episode 9
Sermon recordings
If you missed either of the sermons from yesterday, or any others for that matter, you can find them linked on the sermons page. I’ve already uploaded them. Just click the Galatians series or the Genesis series to access any of those sermons. God bless you and see you Sunday!